Pandors - Novomirgorod Garrison
1751 Horvat
Unit History
The Pandors (light infantry) did not take part in actions in Poland
or Prussia during the Seven Years War. The Pandors were formed after Dec. 24, 1751 when an ex-colonel of Austrian service Horvat was allowed to establish a separate Serbian settlement in the South of Ukraine. He received lands near river Dnepr, between rivers Kavarlyk & Amelnik. This territory was called Novaia Serbia (New Serbia), with administrative centre in Novomirgorod. From Serbs settled in this colony, Colonel Horvat recruited two regiments, one infantry (Pandors) & one horse (Hussars), each of 20 companies. These Serbian troops were settled and formed on June 13 1759 into the Novomirgorod garrison which a separate constant unit. It consisted of one Grenadier and three Pandor companies. The garrison had the staff organization similar to that of a battalion of the Russian garrison infantry and can be classed as militia.
These Front Rank Pandors have often doubled as Austrian Croats in my gaming adventures. I like the unit but I
often do not put them out on the table unless I have a combined Austro-Russian army facing off against the Prussians because the Russians tended to use their Cossacks as scouts. Unit painted in 1991.
Osprey’s Russian Army of the Seven Years War (1) (Men-at-Arms 297)
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